Fishin' for Volleyballs

Focus: Volleying
Objective: Students will be able to volley a beach ball into a large open target with 75% accuracy.
Standards: ALCOS Physical Education, First Grade, S1. E21: Volleys an object with an open palm, sending it upward.
Cues: “coloring hand”
Equipment: poly spots, beach balls, foam balls (for more advanced students), and hard plastic swimming pool
Protocols: “eyes on me”, “ready, set, go!”
Set Induction: Hello class! Today we are going to go fishing...for volleyballs! Do you see your other teacher in the swimming pool? We are going to volley our fish into the pool, then your teacher is going to throw it back to you, so you can try again! But first, we are gong to review how to volley a ball.
Content Development: Let’s quickly review how we volley a ball. First, we hold our ball in front of our face like this, with the palms of our hands facing up [Model]. Next, we gently throw it up into the air, and when it comes back down we hit it with both hands, like this (model). Let’s practice for a minute. Ready, set, go! [Wait for students to volley a few times]. Great job everyone! Let’s try it with one hand, like this! Ready, set go! [Wait for students to volley a few times]. Awesome, I think you guys have the hang of it! Now let’s move on to our activity!!
Culminating Activity: Today we are going to play a game called Fishin' for Volleyballs. I want you all to go stand on a poly spot, and hug your ball. Ready, set, go! [Wait for all students to be on a poly spot and hugging their ball.] Now when I say go, you are going to use the proper volleying form to volley your ball into the pool. Pay close attention, because your teacher in the pool is going to be throwing your beach balls back to you, so you can try again. If you think the beach ball is too easy for you to volley, you can try one of these foam balls. But be careful not to hit your teacher! Those balls hurt if they hit you too hard! I am going to be walking around to help you all with your form. Alright, I think you are all ready! Ready, set, go!!
Can someone demonstrate for me the correct form of volleying?
Are your hands the only part of your body you can use to volley? What are some other examples?
What sports require volleying?