Froggy Frog World

Focus: Fleeing and Dodging
Objective: Students will be able to flee and dodge peers for at least thirty seconds, before being tagged.
Standards: Oklahoma Physical Education, S2. E5 Strategies and tactics: Applies simple strategies and tactics in both chasing & fleeing activities.
Cues: “soft tag”
Equipment: two or more half noodles
Protocols: “eyes on me”, “ready, set, go!”
Set Induction: Hi class! What does a magician do? That’s right, they use a wand to perform magic! I want you to put on your imagination glasses, and guess what kind of animal a magician with a magic wand might turn someone into. The answer for this game is a frog!
Content Development: When we flee and dodge, it is very important to be aware of our surroundings. You don’t want to run into another person, or trip! When we play a tagging game, we use soft tags. This means we don’t hit the other person as hard as we can. We want to tap them gently, like this [demonstrate]. Alright, I think you guys are ready for our game!
Culminating Activity: Today we are going to play a game called It’s a Froggy Frog World! There are going to be two magicians, who have a magic wand. It is the magicians’ job to tag the other players. If you are tagged, you’ve turned into a frog! You have to do five frog jumps [demonstrate] then you can get back into the game! Any questions? Ready, set, go!
What are the safety procedures when we flee and dodge?
What are the cue words when fleeing and dodging?
What sports require fleeing and dodging?