Ghostbuster Soccer
Focus: Kicking
Sub Focus: Dribbling
Objective: Students will be able to kick a ball to hit a cone 75% of the time.
Standards: Oklahoma Physical Education Standards, S1. E20 Kicking: Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a moving ball demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
Cues: “kicking foot”, “non-kicking foot”, “gentle kick”
Equipment: four cones, eight soccer balls, OPTIONAL: YouTube video on how to kick (included below)
Protocols: “eyes on me”, “ready, set, go!”
Set Induction: Hi class! How many of you like to play soccer? Today’s lesson on kicking is a skill required by soccer, and we’re going to learn how to kick like professional soccer players!
Content Development: I’m going to show you the correct form to use when kicking a ball. We are going to place our non-kicking foot next to the ball, bring your kicking foot back with a bent knee and then gently kick the ball forward. We are not trying to kick it as hard as we can! We want to make a gentle kick, so we can keep control of the ball.
Culminating Activity: Today we are going to play a game called Ghostbuster Soccer! Do you see the four cones on the floor? Those are ghosts! Each ghost has a ghost keeper (other teachers) that protect the ghost. You are a ghostbuster, and your job is to kick the soccer ball and knock over the ghost! Remember to make a gentle kick, so you don’t have to chase your ball across the gym. Ready, set, go! [If time permits, do this activity again, then let the students be the ghost keepers, and the teachers be the ghostbusters.]
Can someone demonstrate for me the correct form when kicking?
What are the cue words when kicking?
What sports require kicking?