Life Preserver Badminton
Focus: Striking with Implements
Sub Focus: Balance
Objective: Students will be able to use a short handled implement to strike a ball: alone and with a partner.
Standards: Oklahoma Academic Standards for Physical Education, S1.E23: Strikes a ball with a short-handled implement sending it upwards.
Cues: “coloring hand”, “ready, set, bounce!”
Equipment: paddles, ping pong balls, yarn balls, balloons, beach balls, green and blue hula hoops
Protocols: “eyes on me”
Set Induction: Being able to strike objects with some kind of implement is important to many sports out there. Sports like golf, tennis, badminton; table tennis and many other sports involve striking objects with implements. Today we are going to practice using our striking skills!
Content Development: First, I want you to hold up your coloring hand. Now, hold your paddle with the hand you have raised. Next, I want you to pick a ball, then stand arm’s length apart from your classmates. (Wait for everyone to be standing still with their paddle and ball). Great job! Now I would like you to try to keep your ball balanced on your paddle. Ready, set bounce! (Let kids practice for a minute). Awesome! Next, I would like you to bounce your ball in the air once with your paddle, then catch it, like this (demonstrate). I’ll do it with you! Ready, set, bounce! (Do activity with kids). Fantastic! Now let’s see if you can bounce it twice then catch it, like this (demonstrate). Ready, set, bounce! (Do activity with kids). You guys are awesome at this! I’m going to let you practice bouncing the ball, and we’ll see who can keep it up the longest! If you would like to challenge yourself, try bouncing a ping pong ball! Ready, set, bounce!
Culminating Activity: Now that we know how to bounce a ball with a paddle, we are going to play a game! Everyone go stand in a hula hoop (There should be a row of blue hula hoops with a row of green hula hoops parallel). Only one person per hoop! Now, everyone in the green hoops set your paddles down and grab a balloon. (Wait) Oh no, everyone that is in a blue hoop is lost at sea! Green hoops, you are safely on land, and it is your job to toss a life preserver (balloon) to your blue hoop partner that is right across from you, so they can get home safely! Blue hoops, it is your job to hit the life preserver with your paddle back to your green hoop partner, so they can bring you back to shore. After one minute, we are going to switch hoops! Ready, set, bounce!
What kind of sports require striking skills?
Can someone demonstrate for me how to bounce a ball with a paddle?
What else could you use to strike an object?