Missile Ball

Focus: Throwing
Sub Focus: Teamwork
Objective: Students will be able to throw with correct form.
Standards: ALCOS Physical Education, First Grade, Standard 2.) Apply varied effort and pathways to running, jumping, and throwing & 9.) Identify cue words and terms associated with throwing, catching, running, and kicking.
Cues: “coloring hand”, “side to target”, “arm back”, “step forward”, “rotate hips”, “bend arm”, “throw”
Equipment: large targets, bowling pins, beanbags, waffle ball, fleece ball, blindfolds, foam or rubber balls scattered around the gym, OPTIONAL: YouTube video on how to throw (included below)
Protocols: “eyes on me”, “ready, set, go!”
Set Induction: Hi class! How many of you like to play softball or baseball? Today’s lesson on throwing is a skill required by both baseball and softball, but it’s also a skill that you can use in everyday life, like throwing away trash!
Content Development: I’m going to show you the correct form to use when throwing a ball at a target. First, we are going to use the hand that we color with to hold the ball. Everyone hold up your ball with the hand you color with? Great! Now we are going to turn so that our side is to the target. Everyone face the (object on the wall that is perpendicular to the targets, probably the basketball goal). Awesome! Next, we are going to take a step with the foot that is closest to the target, and step forward, towards the target. Let me see everyone step forward? For the next step, we have to know how to rotate our hips. Can everyone rotate their hips back and forth like this? (Demonstrate). Good! After we take a step forward, we are going to rotate our hips to face the target. Let me see everyone rotate their hips to face the target. Great job! Now we are going to bend our coloring arm back, then throw our ball. Show me how to throw a ball? Awesome job everyone! Let’s practice throwing a few times, to make sure we all have the hang of it!
Culminating Activity: Today we are going to play a game called Missile Ball! I want you to find a partner, then sit down. (Wait for all students to sit) Great! Now I want you to decide who is going to be the commander, and who is going to be the tank. You will get to be both, but just choose one or the other right now. Once you’ve decided, I want you both to put your hands on your head. (Wait for all students to have their hands on their head) Now I want the commanders to grab a blindfold from the bucket, and put it on the tank. (Wait) Commanders, it is your job to lead the tank to a bomb (foam balls) and bomb a target (bowling pins). When your tank has a bomb and is about to bomb a target, I want you to yell, “Fire!” so the tank knows when to throw the ball. Ready? Set? Go!
Can someone demonstrate for me the correct form when throwing?
What are the cue words when throwing?
What sports require throwing?