Musical Ball Bounce
Focus: Dribbling
Objective: Students will be able to dribble at different speeds while walking.
Standards: Oklahoma Academic Standards for Physical Education, S1.E16: Dribbles and travels in general space at a slow to moderate speed with control of ball and body.
Cues: “coloring hand”
Equipment: cones, 8 basketballs, speaker, phone with music, OPTIONAL: YouTube video teaching how to dribble (included below)
Protocols: “eyes on me”, “ready, set, go!”
Set Induction: “How many of you have played basketball, or watched a basketball game? Awesome! Does anyone know how basketball players move the ball down the court? Dribbling, right! Today we are going to play a game where we have to know how to dribble!”
Culminating Activity:
Make a small square of cones for students to walk and dribble their ball around.
When they get to the station, have the students sit inside the square of cones.
After introduction and instructions, have students stand around the square of cones, and be sure each student has a ball.
When the music begins have all the students dribble a ball to the beat of the music around the cones, in a line.
When the music stops have the students quickly exchange their ball with another student.
Provide different types of balls of various sizes.
Use various music selections which have different types of tempos.
What sport requires dribbling skills?
Can someone demonstrate for me how to dribble?
What kind of ball do we dribble with?